Denotation and Connotation

Denotation: There is text saying, 'Dig toilets, Not graves' with the logo WaterAid in the top-left. There is a young person looking at the camera with a neutral expression. The background appears to be of houses.

Connotation: The advert consists of mostly dull, neutral colours, which has connotations of seriousness and drought. The phrase 'Dig toilets, Not graves' tells the audience that WaterAid is a charity. The houses in the background also look less developed, which communicates that WaterAid helps people in developing countries.

Analysis: The company name itself, 'WaterAid' suggests that they are a charity that links to aiding developing countries with water-related issues. Furthermore, the text has connotations of death ('graves') and uses guilt and responsibility to connect with the audience. The young person is also used for this reason, as his neutral expression conveys that he is unhappy. 

Denotation: There is text with a white background. The background itself is a simple grey with a yellow line at the top. There is a logo at the bottom.

Connotation: The logo at the bottom suggests that the ad is for cars, and the text is talking about the dangers of texting while driving. The background is simple and makes the audience pay attention to the text.

Analysis: The misspellings in the text convey the meaning further, being shocking enough to leave an impression. The background is simple enough to make the audience focus on the message, mirroring how drivers should focus on the road while driving.


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